The video in the link below is worth seeing. Indian nationalism seems bent on outdoing all national achievements claimed by others. The best examples of these claims are that in the Vedic age i.e a good 3000 years ago, Indians were making test tube babies; they were far in advance of stem cell research than the world is today; Ravan was flying around in aircraft, and had 24 different types of aero planes; Modi is on video record claiming that Ganesh, the Hindu god with an elephant head on a human body, is proof that thousands of years ago, India was doing body transplants!

History has also been rewritten by the new breed of nationalist Hindu historians. One of the theories being projected by them is that human civilization took root in India, and it was from ere that it spread all over the world.

It is being posited by them that after the Toba super volcanic eruption in Sumatra about 75000 years ago, all human species except in Africa and India went extinct. And from this population which survived in India, human civilization took root and then spread all over the world.

From such a glorious civilizational past India has now progressed to the discovery of the medicinal properties in the urine of the cow!

And its single greatest achievement after “independence” has been to build a few million toilets in the last five years, so that its people can have a civilized shit!

Its next mega project is slated to be concentration camps for its Muslim population. These are to begin in Assam with BJP’s encouragement and support.

Pakistan, on the other hand, has no comparable achievement to its name. But it cannot be said that we have not tried our best.

From being a largely self-sufficient country, in the last ten years our elected leaders have subjected the state to such an unrelenting level of theft, to have bankrupted it.

This, in itself, is quite an achievement.

But competing with this is the inability of our present government to find the resolve to get its stolen billions back, despite the fact that without this exertion, we can barely hope to survive.

But then we can rejoice in the happy knowledge that our common man can shit in more comfort than the common Indian.

O God, what a relief!