Stronger than usual rumours are in circulation that Pakistan is now to be handed over to the technocrats.

If true and shorn of all the redundant verbiage, this means:

a. that the government forced on the country by the army high command in Apr 2022 has made a complete mess of things.

b. and that therefore a new government was now needed to clean up this mess, and the army high command will cobble such a government together, and install it to get us out of the woods.

And how, you may well ask, will this new government get us out of the woods? The answer you are likely to get is:

  1. this country was in a terrible economic mess, and in an advanced state of political instability.
  2. in order to put the economy right, it was first essential to bring about political stability, and that was what the technocrats would do.

And then you will be within your rights to ask, who helped to bring about this “political” instability and the general mess in the first place?

At this point humility will take over. They will pass on credit for this to others, and you’ll never get a straight answer which, of course, you already know.

But a more pertinent question would be, who exactly was it that was pulling the strings of the army high command?

We all know that it is our friends in Washington who are doing this, but the fabled loyalty of the high command will keep it from naming names. But when names like Raza Baqir and Hafeez Sheikh are being mentioned as a part of the setup who will now come to the rescue of Pakistan, one scarcely needs a second guess. And one can also be certain where they will take us. At times like this, one so wishes they would be as loyal to their own country, as they have been to other masters.

So, in short, the same army high command, having drawn inspiration from the same cabal in Washington, which brought about the regime change in Apr 2022, is now all set to bring a second regime change. And this will set right everything which the first lot had screwed up so badly!

Wonders never cease.

This reminds me so much of the two-part instructional demonstrations which used to be given to the young officers and men in the army. The first part of the demo would lay stress on the wrong way of doing something i.e how something “was not” to be done. For example how not to tighten a certain screw on a machine gun.

And this would be followed by part two of the demo to show how the machine gun was to be screwed properly.

So, the situation now seems to be that the first part of the demo i.e of how “not to” screw the country, is over. And now we are to witness part two of the demo, which will tell us how the country should be screwed properly! And this will be done by the technocrats.

It’s so good to see that over the years the army has lost none of its professionalism and is still continuing with its old methodology of demonstration.