Notes in Anguish

Chasing Rainbows

Dreaming of a free and prosperous Pakistan

  • Our Singular Malady – Some Thoughts

    So, what is the state of Pakistan’s dilapidation today? Even a peripheral but honest survey should reveal the following: How could this country, born of so many noble aspirations, have fallen on the dung heap of unrelieved depravity so fast? How could its elite and its army have sold the country out so brazenly in…

  • Ishaq Dar Opens Up on Gen Bajwa and The Army

    Pakistan was built on the stuff of dreams. Yet scarcely a day passes that ever new depths of the gutter are not being plumbed. Every law designed to hold the thugs accountable has been scrapped. Each robber baron has been rehabilitated. Theft used to be committed at night. But as the extent of the money…

  • Did Gen Bajwa Conspire to Bring Down the Imran Government?

    When considering this question, it would be best to consider America’s record of bringing down unfriendly governments. For those who would like to be enlightened on this aspect of U.S policy I would like to recommend Stephen Kinzer’s book, ” Overthrow”. This details the attempts, many of them successful, of the U.S government to overthrow…

  • Why Has the Army High Command Taken Leave of Its Senses?

    As I begin writing this, I wonder if it has taken leave of just its senses, or its courage as well….the courage to see its handiwork, and its results, and thus to make corrections. It should be quite clear to the Army High Command that at least ninety percent of Pakistanis are in no doubt…

  • Will Pakistan Survive the Sellout “Regime Change?

    Smelling the political fumes rising from Pakistan, intuitively I feel that my country is being driven to its demise. The situation that has been created is that the people of Pakistan have been pitched against their own army, the only institution which they respected, no matter how sullenly at times. The real tragedy is that…

  • A Time to Die in Order to Live

    I cannot say if the man on the street is translating Imran Khan, transliterating him, or merely venting the storm building in his heart. But what he is saying is what is resounding in every lacerated heart, aware of the enormity of the crimes inflicted upon them. When you want to destroy an institution, you…

  • To The Generals for Consideration

    The Punjab Election…Gen Bajwa’s neck is on the line, and so is the fate of Pakistan. I appeal to you Gen Bajwa and the top Generals supporting you to have the fear of God or stop your prayers which only add further to your impressive reserves of hypocrisy. You have sinned grossly against your mother–Pakistan.…

  • NO TAX on The Theft of the National Assets

    The budget has come. And it is now being followed by mini budgets. Everything is being taxed. The poor have been crushed to death. The not so poor have been reduced to poverty. The rich have been reduced to anxiety and discomfort. But no difference has been made to the dirty rich. They continue to…

  • Mournful Notes

    ” Zara num ho tau yeh mutti. “ How evocative and forlorn those words seem today when everything, including every hope and all that was sacred, has been sold? And the sale has been conducted by the very ones oath-bound to stand guard over us and to protect us? By those we worshiped with our…


    Too many in Pakistan who set great store by their Generals, and saw them as being synonymous with probity, honesty, and integrity, stand shattered and stunned today. The reason for their shock, from which they cannot seem to recover, is that they have been witness to a moral calamity which could not have gained admittance…

  • To My Friend the General

    My dear friend. We have served together long. For even longer have we nourished a friendship. Yet in the very recent past something has transpired which has put you at a distance from me. You appear a little unfamiliar to me. It seems your heart no longer beats with mine or with that of an…

  • He Who Pays the Piper

    I have never had any doubt that Bajwa was the central moving force behind the conspiracy to bring down IK. I have written as much more than once. And now very few are left who doubt this obvious truth. If we grant that this came about because of an error of judgement on Bajwa’s part,…