Prime Minister Imran Khan was the moving spirit behind the recent Kualalumpur Summit. Yet neither he, nor his Foreign Minister attended the same. What brought about this abstention was a severe talking to that Imran Khan received from the Saudi King who saw this Summit as an anti-Saudi phalanx in the making. And Imran Khan was forced to back down, covering his retreat by lame excuses.
So what power do the Saudis exercise over Pakistan? Does this power not issue from the fact that today Pakistan is running on Saudi money, funds repatriated by our workers in the kingdom, and deferred oil payments, without which Pakistan would almost certainly default on its debts which have hit a hundred billion dollars? And such default will push Pakistan into the status of a bankrupt pariah state!
In short Pakistan has its sovereignty severely curtailed. This curtailment of our national sovereignty is the direct result of a decade of unrestrained plunder by the two top crime families of Pakistan and their many henchmen.
Can there be a more glaring case of high treason against the country than looting it to the extent that the state is today held hostage by its many creditors, while its looted wealth now resides in the coffers of those who were sworn to protect and defend the state?
Instead of slamming these traitors with charges of high treason which even the blind can see, one judge after another has bent over backwards to facilitate their release from jail, and to flee the country which they so ruthlessly despoiled.
But these keen-eyed Judges attired in black gowns of inequity immediately spot the high treason of Parvez Musharraf for imposing a national emergency which he was constitutionally empowered to do.
And for this he has been awarded a death sentence, with one enthusiastic judge going so far as to order that in case Parvez Musharraf dies, his body should be dragged to D Chowk and hung on a gibbet there for three days!
Within the ranks of the army, the reaction against this judgement is huge. It is anger threatening to spill out in ugliness, baying for the blood of the judges.
This is not because Parvez Musharraf has any popularity left in the army, but because the judgement is so patently unfair, reeking with all the signs of a personal vendetta, while there is a rising resentment against courts that have allowed every thieving scoundrel to go free.
What is also apparent to those in uniform, is the clear anti-army bias of the judges who have filled their pockets to subvert the law instead of administering it.
This is a reaction entirely justified among members of an institution which is the ONLY national body in the state that is functional. It is the ONLY army in the world in recent history which has defeated organized terrorism at great cost in terms of blood and sacrifice. Without doubt it is the only institution which has held the country together. They know this and most of the country knows it. And the only ones who are oblivious to this truth are members of our crime families, their cohorts, and the judges who have been abetting them and indemnifying them against function of the law.
Thus, if many in the army would like to see such judges lynched, the judges need to show some understanding of this sentiment!
The battle lines in Pakistan have been clearly drawn. On one side stand the U.S, the heads and followers of the crime families, most of the “intellectuals” who daily prostitute themselves, some judges, and some lawyers.
On the other side stands China, Imran Khan, the Army, and most of Pakistan.
The prize for the first lot is to get the country back into their clutches, and this time to rape it to smithereens and death. For the other, it is to salvage what is left, and to rebuild it.
The dividing line between them cannot remain static. It will shift. Thus far the battle has been incrementally going against Pakistan. From the time of Nawaz Sharif’s G.T Road cavalcade, those committed to undoing Pakistan, have been open and bold. Those committed to salvaging its future have been hesitant and weak.
It is about time the gloves finally came off. It is time people began paying for their crimes against the state. Without this fear being inculcated there can be no rule of law, and without this, no turnaround in the fortunes of the nation is possible. And if no turnaround is to take place, the direction must inevitably remain one which will continue to take us to the abyss and beyond.
Perhaps the stupid judge whose order wants Parvez Musharraf’s dead body to he hung in D Chowk, has done the ultimate favour to Pakistan in terms of giving a wakeup call to both PM Imran Khan and to General Bajwa. After this with what confidence will Imran Khan expect Gen Bajwa to counter the Indian army build up taking place right this minute across the LOC, and with what confidence will Gen Bajwa order his once willing army to march to his orders! The time to instill this confidence back is nigh, so too the confidence of the people in the state. Steps to initiate a turnaround must be initiated. This cannot be begun without the first step to rehabilitate the rule of law being taken. This must begin with applying the law to those who have denuded and sold their country.
The time of decision is upon them. All of us should pray that the decision that follows is not that will be one as convoluted as the one which threw Punjab in the lap of Usman Buzdar.
This time the whole of Pakistan is at stake.