Many years ago when Gen Yakubu Gowan was the president of Nigeria, he went on a state visit to the U.K.
Those were the days when a stagecoach ride with the Queen was among the high points of the visit by such supremos.
Most unfortunately, during the General’s promenading with the Queen, one of the horses pulling the coach began to break wind. The gusts hit the two VVIPs seated in the coach behind.
The Queen looked for distractions and pretended as if nothing had happened. But the horse would have none of it and demanded to be “heard”.
This became so embarrassing that eventually the Queen was forced to bend over to the General and apologize.
” That’s O.K Your Majesty,” said the General, ” but I thought it was the horse!’
Some wits had it that this was the General getting back at the Queen for all the humiliations Nigeria had suffered as a colony at the hands of the British.
Now a days another revenge story is doing the rounds. This time it is about America versus China.
For years now the U.S has been trying to cause losses to China, to denigrate it, and to contain it.
Despite the much touted “spirit of Wuhan” India jumped on the U.S “containment of China” bandwagon, obviously certain that with the U.S behind it, China was going to take this lying down. But then came China’s Golwan riposte which put India firmly in its place.
And speculation became rife about how China would get its own back against the U.S. Most of us thought that China would hit back in the form of a cyber attack. But at long last China hit back where it was least expected and hurt most.
This headline said it all: ” China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests. ‘In Error’, American Officials say.”
In a culture where “face” is so central, the backside occupies a very special place. And to have U.S diplomats visiting China, bend over and stick it to them there, must have done more for the average Chinese, than any bomb could have achieved!
And those who do not believe the story, should open the link below for their satisfaction.
P.S Many hope that the weak of Pakistan who have been despoiled and deprived so long, too shall get their revenge soon. Their lion, in the form of Imran Khan, has begun to roar once again. It is to be hoped that unlike times past when his roars petered off like wet crackers, this time there will be a bite to them. Hopefully he is going to stick it to the Sharifs and the Zardaris where it is least convenient for them. It would be so good if he were to begin with Maryam and Bilawal. They look good. I suspect they will look best bending down. pvhw9x80p