Over the last couple of weeks, our valiant soldiers bearing arms in defense of Pakistan, have given yet more blood so that we, the citizens, shall not have to do so. With the passage of time, such incidents are on the rise. And this was expected and prophesied. When a high command absconds from its duty and devotes its dedication to leveling the playing field for “free and fair” elections, its own primary duty remains unattended. And into the vacuum thus created flow the terrorists who make their play. And while making it they draw the blood of soldiers whose command is busy chasing shadows which is not their business to chase.
In the playing field that is being leveled, the thugs that have to be resurrected, are nowhere to be seen, despite the best efforts of the high command. Only PTI seems to be standing out in the length and breadth of the country. And so, it is the PTI that needs to be bulldozed and brought to a level of “nothingness” that is lower than that of various thug parties.
The leveling of the playing field has come to mean the flattening of PTI.
They have already abducted and beaten most of its leadership into submission, while about fifteen thousand of its supporters are in jail. But the party refuses to surrender and die out. Every fresh poll shows that with each new wave of atrocities, the popularity of Imran Khan only gets to surge still higher. And that occasions yet more wrath among the high command and is the signal for yet more arrests.
On Nov 10, warrants for the arrest of yet another 884 PTI workers were issued by the 84 police stations of Lahore. And today, Sanam Javed, after obtaining bail in 6 cases, was handed back into police custody for investigations into her role in the “petrol bombing” case which took place more than six months back!
And in keeping with the spirit of “neutrality”, oft professed by the high command, which informs and drives their program of leveling the playing field, sanction is repeatedly accorded to the PTI to hold its election rallies, which the police then descends upon and dutifully disrupts.
The slender hopes of the citizens of Pakistan, which still continue to stand, draw much of their stubbornness from the courage of a few judges of the high courts. But because this state of ongoing mayhem is not quite enough for some, it has scarcely tickled the king-sized ego of Qazi Faez Isa. The country being gutted is not an issue grave enough to draw the wrath of his oft-fuming lordship. No suo moto here.
Slowly but surely the country is lurching towards a fateful clash, powered on by the high command’s peculiar brand of “neutrality”. This will occur in the streets when the people are brought face to face with their army. The only mechanism that can prevent this is fair elections which are shown also seen as such.
The high command knows this to a certainty but will oppose it as resolutely as this certainty. It just cannot afford that Imran Khan should win because he is committed to accountability. It would much rather take the country down with itself than allow this to happen. It has committed too many crimes against the state from the time it conspired to affect regime change at the behest of a foreign power, and finds that it lacks the courage to face the music.
This is the high command’s “Samson Option”, much like Israel’s nuclear doctrine to perish, but also in the act of perishing, to leave the powers threatening it, a heap of smouldering ruins!
In this the high command stands in solid partnership with the thugs it is striving to bring to power…those that it routinely pushes to the helm, then allows them to rob the treasury blind, and then of exercising their “Samsonite Option” of packing their samsonites and fleeing their country!
With all this, the army chief routinely assures the subordinates he addresses, that they continue to enjoy the confidence and support of the people! A man so far out of his depth can surely be counted upon to exercise both the Samson and also the Samsonite Options. He will take the country down, and then hope to run away before he’s caught!